Teach for India: From inspiration to innovation

‘I’ll reach up higher than high,
And if I try to reach up high
I just may skim the sky.’

This is from a poem written by the 12-year old, Shaheen Mistri, an ambitious girl from a very young age.

Akansha Foundation, the non-profit organization started by Shaheen Mistri in 1989 aimed to help every child in India to have an excellent education. Her target was to create a bright future for the next generation, which lead her to be a successful entrepreneur. The journey from an ordinary girl to a well-known CEO is never too simple! Her experiences made her realize the importance of parting better education for children.

She took inspiration from the successful model of ‘Teach for America’ to develop another version ‘Teach for India.’ Dedicated minds came together to her aid in finding underprivileged children and improve their quality of life. As a successful woman, her life is a learning lesson for all of us. Her love and care has made her ‘Didi’ for thousands of children. Her optimistic and helping attitude has contributed to her being one of the greatest entrepreneurs in India.

She wanted the children to shift their thinking from ‘why’ to ‘why not’, making them stronger. The way the root is the nourishing part of a tree, our childhood also provides us growth through basic life lessons. Shaheen has focused on providing a better start to these lives by coming up with ‘Teach for India’. Being the backbone of this organization, she could change many small lives and show them a much better world.

In the spirit of International Women’s Day approaching, let’s learn and take inspiration from women like Shaheen Mistri. This International Women’s Day, look forward to a better version of yourself and as always, keep up with AVCOE for more inspiring blogs!

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