Applying for a job? Don’t make these 6 mistakes

A well written job application can make or break your chance of securing the job you have always wanted. With increasing competition in the industry, your job application has to be error free and concise. A well written job application may not be able to land you a job on its own, but it increases your chances of getting selected over other candidates or getting a call for an interview. In this blog, AVCOE will walk you through 6 common mistakes to avoid in your job application.

Skipping the job description

The most common mistake we tend to make in a job application is not completely reading and/or understanding the job description. Just reading the job title and skimming through the description is not recommended. Reading the job description will help you determine if you are suitable for the role. For instance, some job description may require the applicant to have specific skills or prior work experience.

A lengthy job description

No one wants to read an essay in a job application. If your job application is too long, chances are, the person reviewing it may not reach the end of it. It is important that you touch upon the most important aspects and leave the rest for the interview. Instead of writing generic statements, let the focus be on your skills and experience.  

Exaggerating your skills  

Joining an organisation amounts to entering into a professional relationship. Anything that you state in your job application can be picked later by a job interviewer who could ask you to justify the same. For instance, if you call yourself a team player, you may be asked in the interview about an incident where you performed well in a team. If you are dishonest about your skills in your job application, you will not only face difficulties while performing your tasks but also risk losing your job.

Unprofessional email ID

It is important that everything about the application should look professional, including your email ID. Using an email ID like '' will create a bad impression. Instead, your email id can have your name and surname (or initials) - for example if your name is Prashant Gaonkar, your email ID could be '' or ''. If you do not have one, you can create a separate email ID such as the one used above, for all types of formal communication.   


Forgetting the attachments

Do not forget to attach your resume/CV to the job application, as required per the job posting. Some companies also require you to attach a covering letter and/or other documents along with your resume. Further, make sure that the cover letter is tailor-made as per the company and position you are applying for. Avoid sending the same application for all the job postings.    

Missing the deadline

Employers are looking for candidates that understand the value of time. Missing the application deadline will give them exactly the opposite impression of you and you will most likely not get an interview call-up.

If you manage to avoid these 6 mistakes in your job application, you stand a good chance to get an interview call-up. AVCOE’s Training & Placement cell guides students with the job application process and every aspect of their professional life. For more such advice related to your career and its success, get in touch with your T&P officer. 

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