A professional’s guide to the intricacies of the mind


A question that often troubles the minds of engineering students - What should I do that would set me apart from my competition? But we are all unique, thanks to the different experiences that we have had growing up. Even though we are all made of the same blood, bones and flesh, we're actually very different from each other. How is that? you ask. 

There is something that truly sets us apart. All of it, from what we are to why we feel and think the way we do; is because of the most powerful organ of human machinery. The mind. 

Locked in the silence and darkness of the skull, the mind or the brain holds the rich narratives of our reality and our identity. Our personality, emotions and memories are encoded as neural activity, the mind navigates through thousands of conscious decisions every single day. Scientists and researchers in this field are actively involved in exploring the uniqueness of each individual and why the brain drives people toward certain actions and behaviours. 


We often see things not as they are but as we are. The way we look at things, our perception is determined by the stored information in our mind and not by what the eyes see. Why does time seem to slow down when we are sad or in pain? Why does the duration of our sadness seem prolonged than the actual time spent? That is because the mind is focused and we feel alert. Our body is put in a state that increases the chance of survival, when we have to defend ourselves or have to quickly run away from danger. As the body and mind are in a mode of extreme speed, it seems like time has slowed down. 


It feels as though we are in complete control of our lives but the truth is that sometimes we are not. Instead most actions, decisions, beliefs that we hold are driven by parts of the brain that we have no access to. What has been revealed through several researches is that the unconscious brain reveals that everything from our movements, to our decisions, to our behaviour is largely controlled and orchestrated by an invisible world of unconscious neural activity. 

Modern neuroscience has confirmed Freud’s intuition that the vast majority of brain activity occurs at levels of which the conscious “I” is scarcely even aware—much less in control of.  What we call the conscious mind, is far from centre stage, and the more we try to find out who or what is actually in control of our brain, the more we find out there is, “no there there.”


Even an intuitively effortless act such as seeing, is not a process of observation, but rather the product of a vast machinery that uses an arsenal of assumptions to interpret the barrage of shapes and colours that constitute any scene. Since the brain constantly darts our eyes around so that the high-resolution central vision focuses on whatever it is we are interested in and therefore, anything we are paying attention to appears in sharp focus—the brain assumes the entire visual world is in focus. We think we see what we do not. What optical illusions really point out is that all of vision is, in a sense, an illusion.

It's enthralling to witness and process the barrage of information about the human mind as researchers strive to pick apart our brain. It's a blessing to be endowed with such a powerful and an all knowing organ that has the potential to make us feel and think certain things. The future of our brain and of the human species is unpredictable, but I can tell you this, it's going to be full of mystery! 

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