We take immense joy and pleasure in announcing the arrival of Amrutvahini College of Engineering's mega cultural fest: "MEDHA 2018". MEDHA, one of the biggest cultural festivals of Sangamner conducted every year, is consisting of an array of events this time; providing the students a platform to showcase their extraordinary talents.
MEDHA 2k18 will embark on the 4th of January and last till the 6th of January. This three-day journey will surely be exciting and fun filled, not only for the ones taking part in it but also for the audience witnessing it.
MEDHA 2k18 will embark on the 4th of January and last till the 6th of January. This three-day journey will surely be exciting and fun filled, not only for the ones taking part in it but also for the audience witnessing it.
This year, the range of activities will include the
- Spot Poetry
- Singing
- Group Dance
- Fashion Show
- Instrument Playing
- Mimicry
- Skit/Musical Drama Yoga
- Spot Painting/ Cartooning
- Extempore
- Skating
- Sports
- Origami
- GD/Debate/Quiz and much more...
All of these activities are open to all students of AVCOE. But if you are not an AVCOEian and still want to participate and be a part of this exciting event, then, you can showcase your talents for Singing, Dancing, Fashion Show and Musical Drama! These 4 competitions are open for all and everybody for participation!
Details for the events:
Performance duration: 4 minutes
No. of members: 1
Registration fees:
Performance duration: 5 minutes
No. of members: 5 to 15
Registration fees:
Fashion Show:
Fashion Show:
Performance duration: 5 minutes
No. of members: 6 to 14
Registration fees:
Musical Drama:
Musical Drama:
Performance duration: 10 minutes
No. of members: 6 to 14
Registration fees:
Do you think you and your friends can pull off a really
amazing performance and woo the judges and the audience alike? Come then, with
your friends and participate in this one-of-a-kind cultural fest! Hear the
appreciation of an applauding audience, cheering peers and admiring parents all
around you!
We are waiting for you eagerly! Witness MEDHA 2018, on the 4th,
5th and 6th January, 2018.
For more details regarding registrations,
Call: Dr. Manoj Chaudhri: 9970066357 OR Mr. Satyajit Thorat: 9975844080